Monday, March 4, 2013

Cha-Ching for Ting....

They just kept arriving.  Little bags, big bags, jars, bills, and checks. Our "Cha-Ching for Ting" fundraiser was a wonderful success. We doubled our goal. Quite honestly, this was a last minute idea that was tagged onto our holiday market.  I had read of others doing similar fundraisers using baby bottles. That didn't seem appropriate as our daughter is five.  The idea came to me only nights before our holiday market fundraiser - using left-over canning jars and making them in to cute little banks.

All but a few went home with shoppers and some went out later to people who heard about our efforts. We have been blown away by the generosity of others and touched by the stories of families saving together for our little girl. Many banks came back not just with change, but with bills and checks tucked inside.

Our bank will only take large amounts of change if rolled (and we wanted to avoid coin star due to the fee....tho' many times I did almost over-rule that decision!). Counting and rolling coins became a nightly project for a few weeks and despite the hand washing, I feel like I still smell like pennies!

Several trips to the bank later (luckily we had very kind and patient bank tellers!), we can say that you - our wonderful family and friends, raised just over $2,000 for this fundraiser alone!!

Amazed and shocked!

And humbled and so very grateful....

Thank you so very much. To God be all the glory!

1 comment:

likeschocolate said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see the photos of your newest addition.

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